Pema Chödrön writes that to stay with the shakiness is the path of true awakening, the path of the warrior. Join me in sitting with emotion and sensation, in offering kindness and compassion to your own dear self.
Read MoreBeing in nature refreshes our whole being. Have you ever gotten a teaching from nature? Maybe it's to be rooted and calm like a tree, to flow like water. I invite us to slow down and pay attention in order to really absorb all the goodness of nature.
Read MoreIf you're feeling busy, overwhelmed, or jangled today, I see you, I'm with you, and I've got your back. By taking time for this short practice, you offer yourself time to tune in, to calm your body, mind, and heart, to be refreshed.
Read MoreJoin me for a unique practice of meditation: awareness of the body in stillness AND in gentle sitting movement. Tune in closely to the sensations of your body with kindness and care.
Read MoreFinding yourself rushing through the day? Wishing for more time, more rest? What if it isn't so much about WHAT we're doing but HOW we're being within it? In this post, I offer thoughts on how to cultivate a sense of ease and calm no matter what's occurring.
Read MoreHave you noticed a tendency to clench or contract throughout the day? Perhaps you notice tightness in your neck, or racing and fearful thoughts. Join me to take a moment to invite EASE throughout your whole being... and see what changes occur!
Read MoreJust in case you think you're not "cut out" for meditation... if you think your mind is too busy... if you think you're not doing it right... I want to help to set your mind at ease: Meditation isn't "supposed" to be a certain way. It's impossible to do it right or wrong. You're doing great, really. :)
Read MoreDo you ever get these little flashes of intuition, thoughts or emotions asking you to change your path a bit, to connect, to rest? When we practice acknowledging the tiny voice of intuition, there's no telling what will happen!
Read MoreWhen we begin to practice mindfulness, we soon discover that our whole life, our way of being in the world, is made up of many, many moments in which we can choose to be present. In this short video I offer an invitation to choose your own "mindfulness bell" to bring you to present-moment awareness throughout the day.
Read MoreA short practice of taking in what's good... and a whole host of other ideas for shifting out of our negativity bias and into a more spacious and balanced view.
Read MoreDo you have some area of your life that you're working on changing? I keep returning to this metaphor of a path in the woods as a useful one to understand the slow and deliberate process of change, and to stay motivated to be patient and persevering.
Read MoreRainer Maria Rilke wrote, "Let everything happen to you, beauty and terror, just keep going. No feeling is final." It can be a great comfort to sense how emotions are always on the move, passing through like waves. We can be in touch with our emotional state AND know that it will change. This helps us to hold ourselves with more lightness and curiosity. Join me for this meditation, an opportunity to practice tuning in to the feeling tones of this moment.
Read MoreAre you craving quiet? Wanting to be still... and perhaps also feeling a pull toward distraction and busyness? In this video, I discuss this paradox and offer a taste of silence. Join me for 5 minutes of quiet. :)
Read MoreFrom the moment we awake in the morning (and even before), we are benefitting from the presence, the work, and service of other beings. When we know that we’re connected, how does this affect the way we operate in the world?
Read MoreWe're all familiar with the type of courage that's assertive and ballsy... but what about the courage to stay present in a time of waiting, in a time of vulnerability? How do we practice courage in these times, and what does courage look like?
Wherever there is challenge, wherever there is a chance to grow, there is a good chance that fear will show up. In this video, I'm sharing some of the best ways that I know of (and use!) for working with fear, for acting courageously in the midst of fear.
Read MoreWe often think that courage is a huge and dramatic act, performed fearlessly... but that couldn't be further from the truth. In this teaching and meditation, explore: What is courage for you today?
Read MoreOne of the very best parts of my work is that I get to see people's perspectives change as they wake up to their lives... and then their lives change! Practicing mindfulness is (among other things) a way of being that is empowered, revolutionary, and deeply nourishing. Join me to hear more on this perspective and share a short restorative meditation.
Read MoreWhat do you think of when you hear the word "self-care?" A massage? A bubble-bath? I want to talk about self-care because it’s important and often misunderstood. It's time to review what it means to really care for ourselves, sourced in awareness, compassion, and discernment.
Read MoreInstead of being concerned about how long you *should* meditate, what if you focus more on the consistency?
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