Mindfulness Resources
Mindfulness is being right here, right now, without needing to change anything—giving your full attention to this present moment. Practicing mindfulness can help us to focus, deal with stress skillfully, and develop compassion in how we relate to others and to ourselves.
When we take a moment to breathe and calm ourselves, we can respond intentionally to what’s occurring, and we can find ways to care for ourselves within the difficult moments.
Mindfulness isn’t just about working through the hard times: we can be fully present in the beautiful moments, too, not missing the experience by being lost in how it could be just a bit more perfect, or having our attention pulled away by a nagging thought from yesterday. The practice of welcoming and savoring the present moment allows us to absorb and be nourished by joy, wonder, and gratitude that arise naturally.
In this way, practicing mindfulness can bring us peace within challenges and enjoyment of life’s gifts—helping us to flourish.
Guided Meditations
Free guide to getting started
Being present to the flow of your breath invites your whole system to calm and settle.
Connect with the sensations in your body.
Put on your headphones and take your meditation outdoors!
I partnered with Quest for Eternal Sunshine to create assortment of guided meditations ranging from two minutes to twenty.
In-the-Moment Practices
Feel your feet on the ground. If you’re sitting, feel your body meeting the chair. Just sense that you are right here, that there is earth underneath you. Let your body rest into this support.
Sit and take a few (or many) breaths. If you want, put your hand on your stomach and feel it expand and contract. Focusing on your breath connects you to this moment right here, and to your own body. If it feels difficult to focus, try this 5-Finger Breathing technique.
Set Intention
Before you leave the house or walk into a class or a meeting, take a moment to pause. Ask yourself what is important to you about this situation that you are entering. How do you want to show up? Let this intention guide you, and return to it as often as you need to.
One-Pointed Attention
Make whatever you are doing into a meditation by 1) Only doing that one thing, 2) Slowing down a little, and 3) Paying attention. Do one thing at a time with your full attention.
Examples: Drive without the radio on. Take a walk without headphones.
Connect with Senses
Great to try this outdoors! Take a few breaths, then begin with the sense of touch. What do you feel on your skin? What do you sense in your body? Then move to hearing, listening, smelling, and seeing. Stay with each sense for a few a little while until it feels complete. Is it possible to allow everything to be perceived, what is pleasant and unpleasant? Notice what it’s like to connect with the world through your senses.
Keep Learning
Work One-on-One: If you’d like support as you implement new ways of being, let’s work together! Email me at hello@katiedutcher.com or check out my coaching page.
Learn More: I offer various courses, meditations, and retreats throughout the year, as well as free mindfulness resources — take a look!
I’m passionate about this work! I enjoy customizing this valuable content for the needs of various groups, whether through experiential workshops or courses. Email me at hello@katiedutcher.com or check out my speaking page.